Finalit No. 60 Grinding-Polishing Powder

  • Grinding and polishing effect in one step. Result: Natural gloss. 
  • Can be used from grind 400 or 800. 
  • Very efficient because it can be re-used several times. 
  • Cleaner for materials with micropores. Cleaner for film residue. 
  • Polishing of discolourations. 
  • Freshening-up polished surfaces. 

1 kg is sufficient for 300 m², reusable!

Quantities calculator

Short video Finalit No. 60 Grinding-Polishing Powder


1 grinding and polishing step 

  • Very efficient as reusable 
  • From grind 400 / 800 with marble / terrazzo
  • From grind 3500 for granite 
  • Result: natural polish!
  • pH-neutral
  • Cleaner for materials with micropores , e.g. satined glass (frosted glass), polished fine stone, ceramic and glass tiles, stainless steel 
  • Cleaner for film residues (plasticizer and anti-aging protection), e.g. on ceramic tiles 
  • Cleaner for tiling pattern residues  
  • Cleaner for resin-coated tiles and natural stones 
  • Polishing of discolourations with badly polished fine stoneware tiles, grinding / polishing machine (at least 120 kg) 
  • Surface tension is preserved 
  • Freshening up of the polish on highly frequented surfaces only necessary 1 to 2 times a year. Does not need to be covered! 
  • Crystalising: weekly in normal cases, with silicic acid and steel wool. Needs to be covered!
  • 1 kg is sufficient for 300 m², reusable!
  • Thoroughly clean the surface to be polished.
  • Only use Finalit No. 60 Grinding-Polishing Powder as a sludgy paste-like mass, i.e. with water added! Never use dry!

When polishing with Finalit No. 60 Grinding-Polishing Powder, fine scratches and etched spots are removed by the grinding components. Always store  polishing pads / felt pads in a clean place, as dust contains sand particles that, due to their hardness, can damage (scratch) the surface. This also applies to the powder itself!

Using Finalit No. 60 Grinding-Polishing Powder, work in using a heavy single-disc machine (weight: 60 - 80kg) with moderate speed (up to 240 rpm). The 
single-disc machine can be loaded additionally with sandsacks (20 kg) or weights.

  • Version – polishing marble, granite and fine stone tiles: use a heavy machine (weight: 100 - 140 kg, preferably with a planetary drive, thus 3 opposite rotating discs) and white plastic pads.
  • ATTENTION! The grinding / polishing powder must always be under the machine (white pad or felt).


for scratches and etched spots: grind with 60/120/220/400 (also with 800 for some soft stones) and then with single-disc machine with white nylon pad or felt pad 
or steel wool 00 and polish to high gloss with grinding / polishing powder 

Removing scratches:
a) grind with 60/120/220/400/800/1.500/3.500 using heavy grinding / polishing machine (min. 120 kg) 
b) polish using white nylon-pad or felt pad or steel wool 00

Grinding and polishing effect in one step.    * With soft stones from grind 400 or 800, with hard stone from grind 800, 1,800 or 3,500

  • Result: natural polish!
  • pH-neutral
  • Reusable 
  • Excellent cleaner for materials with micropores , e.g. patinated glass, polished fine stone, ceramic and glass tiles, stainless steel 
  • Excellent paint-polishing powder (car paint)!


  • Glass 
  • Aluminium 
  • Nirosta (stainless steel)
  • Brass 
  • Wood 
  • Car paint (by hand using a white plastic pad, do not use a machine due to the heat development)


  • Glass-ceramic plates
  • Patinated glass 
  • Sand-blasted glass 
  • Joint edge discolouration with very fine pored materials, e.g. fine stone tiles

IMPORTANT! Work with a sludgy paste-like mass!!

By hand - using a white synthetic pad - or using a hand machine